Page 192 - Necmettin Erbakan University Press
P. 192


              SOCIAL          DISCIPLINE

                                                 Editor        :  Arsev Umur AYDINOGLU
                                                                Safak KILICTEPE

                                                                Emine ÖNCÜLER YAYALAR
                                                                Erkan SAKA
                                                                Melike SAHINOL
                                                 Page          :  246
                                                 Measurement :  16X24 cm
                                                 Year          :  2023
                                                 Category      :  Social
                                                 ISBN          :  978-625-6960-63-3
                                                 E-ISBN        :  978-625-6960-64-0
                                                 DOI           :  10.51144/neupress.2023.147

          The book STS: Identity Construction as a Discipline is rooted in the relationalities experienced in the equation of
          science, technology and society and the ambiguities created by these relations. The 3rd STS Türkiye Conference,
          which was planned for 2020 but was only held online in 2021 with the support of Ankara University due to the
          pandemic, provided the opportunity to talk and discuss the extraordinary period we are going through. The theme of
          the conference, STS: Constructing Identity as a Discipline, is increasingly digitalised socialisation practices. This process
          has prepared a ground for us to discuss the role that STS studies can undertake.

                               Necmettın Erbakan Unıversıty Press
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