Page 15 - Necmettin Erbakan University Press
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                                                      OPEN ACCESS
                                                 Page          : 389
                                                 Measurement :  16X24 cm

                                                 Year          : 2023
                                                 Category      : Education-Social
                                                 E-ISBN        : 978-625-6960-94-7
                                                 DOI           : 10.51144/neupress.2023.200
                    VI. NATIONAL CHILD
                  RESEARCH CONGRESS
                 UCAK FULL TEXT BOOK

         National Children´s Research Congress (UCAK) is organised with the aim of enabling BILSEM students to present their scientific
         researches based on their curiosity in the Scientific Research Skills Activities in BILSEM education programmes and in the subjects
         they are interested in, to improve the scientific research skills of BILSEM students, to enable students to learn scientific events such as
         congresses, symposiums, etc. by experiencing scientific events on-site and in their natural form. The development of scientific
         research skills in students is among the skills trageted to be developed as a priority in the 2023 MEB Education Vision Document,
         Türkiye Qualifications Framework Plan, BILSEM Directive and TÜBITAK Project calls (2024 Scientific Research Projects
         Competition for Secondary and High School Students). The National Children´s Research Congress (UCAK), which will be held
         for the sixth time this year, will be held with the contributions of many academics, invited speakers, researchers, education experts,
         school administrators, teachers from all branches, undergraduate and graduate students who carry out national and international
         studies. At the same time with this congress, the VII. National Gifted Education Congress (UYEK) will be held at Necmettin Erbakan
         University. It is thought that both academics, BILSEM teachers and BILSEM students coming together in the same place at the same
         time in two different congresses will create a great synergy in the field of gifted education.

                               Necmettın Erbakan Unıversıty Press
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