Page 13 - Necmettin Erbakan University Press
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                                                 Editor        :  Hafize GÜMÜS
                                                                Mensure ALKIS

                                                 Page          :  232
                                                 Measurement :  16X24 cm
                                                 Year          :  2023
                                                 Category      :  Education
                                                 ISBN          :  978-625-6960-79-4
                                                 E-ISBN        :  978-625-6960-82-4
                                                 DOI           :  10.51144/neupress.2023.138

          Education Research - 2023 is a work that deals with a variety of topics in the field of education and is written by 18 different
          authors. The work consists of 12 chapters and sheds light on current issues in the fields of education, pedagogy and
          psychology. In the book; a wide range of topics such as pre-service teachers' self-efficacy in prediction skills, the effect of
          the Covid-19 pandemic on the critical thinking and decision-making skills of primary school students, the contribution of
          children's books to mathematics teaching, the use of materials in mathematics activities by preschool teachers, the
          position of inclusive students in the guidance service, the processes experienced by adolescents, the professional
          development needs of prospective English teachers, the level of school engagement of high school students, digital
          addiction of young people, basic development theories and early childhood, the effect of educational films, and the
          contribution of Yunus Emre's works to Turkish teaching. Each chapter presents in-depth analyses supported by the
          authors's academic background and experience. Education Research - 2023 will be an important resource for academics,
          educators, researchers and anyone interested in education. In this sense, the work offers new perspectives to its readers
          while addressing current debates in education and contributes to the transformation in education.

                               Necmettın Erbakan Unıversıty Press
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