Page 14 - Necmettin Erbakan University Press
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                                                      OPEN ACCESS
                                                 Page          : 185
                                                 Measurement :  16X24 cm

                                                 Year          : 2023
                                                 Category      : Education-Social
                                                 E-ISBN        : 978-625-6960-93-0
                                                 DOI           : 10.51144/neupress.2023.199
                  VII. NATIONAL GIFTED
                 EDUCATION CONGRESS
                 UYEK FULL TEXT BOOK

         VII. National Congress on Gifted Education (UYEK) will be held with the contributions of many academics, invited speakers, researchers,
         education experts, school administrators, teachers from all branches, undergraduate and graduate students who carry out national and
         international studies. Our invitation to the national congress is addressed to all stakeholder individuals and institutions such as academics
         and educators who carry out scientific studies on gifted education, gifted individuals, creativity, art, writing, scientific skills, astronomy,
         mathematics and different fields. The congress will bring together experts in the field of gifted individuals and their education with
         stakeholders to share their knowledge and experience. Accordingly, the aim of this congress is -Intelligence, genius and giftedness -
         Diagnostics - Educational models related to gifted education - Applications related to the teaching of giftedness - Comparative educational
         analyses on gifted education - Meta-analysis studies on gifted education - Higher order thinking skills in gifted education - Special aptitude in
         different areas - Teacher training - Supportive school and classroom environments, - Support education activities related to the education
         of the gifted - Situation and practices related to gifted education in higher education - Psycho-social needs and intervention - Gifted students
         and their families, - Activities of stakeholder organisations related to gifted education in Türkiye - Scientific results of the projects
         implemented in the field of gifted education - To share and discuss issues such as cooperation with different institutions and organisations
         and social services in the context of gifted children and their education within the framework of scientific research, projects and systems and
         to shed light on giftedness.
                               Necmettın Erbakan Unıversıty Press
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