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Statistics and Data Analysis

Statistics and Data Analysis

Statistics and Data Analysis Department

The Statistics and Data Analysis Department under the Scientific Publications Coordinatorship of our university provides various services such as statistical data analysis, consultancy, and surveys with official applications.

Depending on the content of the application and the type of service requested, the data are analysed in the best way by experienced and expert analysts. Data has become an indispensable element of the modern business world. When analysed and interpreted correctly, data supports the decisions of businesses/studies and enables them to take more effective and strategic steps. At this point, statistics and data analysis services come into play. Statistical analysis consultancy for academic studies and scientific researches, formulation of research questions and hypotheses, determination of sample size with power analysis, formation of ethics committee reports, data collection, data entry, data analysis services and consultancy services are provided in the stages of planning, analysis, and interpretation of TÜBITAK/BAP/EU projects. The procedures performed are survey, data entry, AMOS, validity reliability analysis, first and second level confirmatory factor analysis, sample estimation, measurement models, sample selection, path analysis with indicator variables, statistical analyses, structural equation modelling, graphics, model fit values, tabulation, model modification, interpretation, mediation tests, reporting, multiple group analyses and G – Power (Power Analysis).

The counselling service process is as follows:

1. The researcher first fills in the application form. Then sends the documents required for the application to [email protected] . If our expert deems necessary, an interview is held on a date convenient for both parties. In order to anticipate and eliminate the problems that may be encountered in the later stages of the study, it is recommended that the researcher apply to our unit at the beginning of the study.

2. The researcher should come to the first meeting with the expert, if there is, with the most up-to-date version of the data entry form, and a sample study. In this meeting, he/she gives information about his/her research and receives information about what to pay attention to at the beginning of the research.

3. The consultancy and appointment process continues until the end of the research or until the statistical consultancy service is completed.

4. The information of the researchers who receive consultancy services will be kept in our department in order not to be shared with third parties for easy access when needed.

Statistical analyses in the Statistics and Data Analysis Department consist of three parts: Parametric Methods, Nonparametric Methods, and Multivariate Methods. These methods are as follows:

Parametric Methods

Descriptive Statistics

Frequencies Tables

Normality Tests

Tests for Homogeneity of Variance


Proportion Test


Student t-Test

Welch Test

Paired t-Test

One-way ANOVA

Two-Way ANOVA, Three-way ANOVA, etc.

Multiple Comparison Tests/Post Hoc Tests 

Repeated Measures ANOVA


Correlation Analysis

Regression Analysis

Path Analysis

Reliability Analysis; Intralass Correlation

Bland-Altman Test

Power Analysis

Sample Size Calculator


Non-Parametric Methods

Sign Test

Mann-Whitney U test

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

Kruskal-Wallis Test

Non-Parametric Multiple Comparison Tests

Mood's Meian Test

Friedman Test

Cochran's Q Test

McNemar Test

Reliability Analysis; Cronbach's Alpha/Cohen's Kappa

Spearman, Kendall Tau, Cramer's V Test

Chi-Square Analysis


Multivariate Methods


Canonical Correlation Analysis

Multiple Regression Analysis

Logistic Regression Analysis

Probit Analysis

Principal Components Analysis

Factor analysis

Discriminant Analysis

Cluster Analysis

Correspondence Analysis

Survival Analysis

Cox Regression Analysis

Multidimensional Scaling, MDS

ROC Curve


In business and academic studies, data analysis is an important step to make correct and logical decisions. Analysing and evaluating your data effectively helps you make strategic decisions for your business or project. At this point, qualitative and quantitative data analysis services come into play.

Qualitative data analysis is a method used to understand verbal and qualitative data. Such data are obtained from sources such as interviews, focus groups, observation, participant observation and content analysis. For the analysis of studies in the qualitative field, analyses are performed with the Maxqda programme, which is the most widely used in this field. Qualitative data analysis is used to understand these data, identify patterns and themes, gain insights and draw meaningful conclusions. This method is often used in behavioural and social sciences and provides in-depth insights.

Quantitative data analysis is a method for analysing numerical and quantitative data. Such data are obtained from sources such as surveys, measurements, numerical records, correlation, regression analysis and hypothesis tests. For the analyses of quantitative studies, SPSS program and Amos program, which is the most important point of data analysis, are used. After the structural equation model analyses performed with Amos, other analyses are started. Quantitative data analysis provides information about patterns, relationships, and trends by analysing these data with statistical methods.

As the Statistics and Data Analysis Department, our expert staff aims to increase the number, accuracy, speed, and quality of scientific activities of researchers conducting scientific studies within our university by analysing the data in the best way. It produces customised solutions by prioritising customer confidentiality and data security. We are open to your additional requests, opinions, and suggestions for these services.

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