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Objective, Scope, Basis, and Definitions


ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Bylaw is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the aims, fields of activity, governing bodies, duties and working principles of NEU Press.


ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Bylaw covers the provisions regarding the aims, fields of activity, governing bodies, duties and working principles of NEU Press.


Article 3 – (1) This Regulation has been prepared based on subparagraph (2) of paragraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 7 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981 and Article 14.


ARTICLE 4 – (1) In this Regulation, the following terms means;

a) Scientific Publications Coordination Office: Necmettin Erbakan University Scientific Publications Coordination Office, 

b) Working units: The working units established by the Board of Directors on the subjects deemed necessary to carry out studies in line with the objectives of the Centre,

c) Centre: NEU Press, 

d) Director: The Director of the Centre,

e) Deputy Director: The deputy director of the centre,

f) Rector: Necmettin Erbakan University Rector,

g) Senate: Necmettin Erbakan University Senate,

h) University: Necmettin Erbakan University,

i) Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Centre.



Aims and Fields of Activity of the Centre

Aims of the Centre

ARTICLE 5 – (1) The aims of the Centre are as follows:

a) To organise scientific publication activities at the University within the framework of a central organisation.

b) To create the infrastructure for the common needs of publication activities in cooperation with the scientific publications coordinatorship, to establish units that can provide publishing house, printing, projects, and similar services for this purpose.

c) To carry out and support publication and communication research, media studies, promotion, and advertisement activities on behalf of the university in coordination with the relevant units of the rectorate, to organise national and international training programmes, courses, seminars, symposiums, conferences and to provide certificate training courses, to publish on the subject, to support scientist and non-governmental organisations conducting research on this subject.

d) To provide practical training for students in the departments of communication, public relations, advertising, cinema, and television of universities, to carry out studies on local culture and art.

e) To contribute to academic development in the scientific field, to develop joint publication, research, application and project activities with universities and other institutions (public or private) in Türkiye and abroad in order to increase the quality of academic publications, to seek solutions to problems that may be encountered in increasing academic quality. 

f) In co-operation with various units of the University, to examine national and international studies on academic publishing, to be aware of local, national, and international research and projects being carried out, to monitor and support the projects carried out and to cooperate within this framework.

g) To carry out studies to use the income obtained from the publications within the Centre in activities aimed at increasing the quality of scientific publications of the University.

h) To carry out internal and external public opinion researches and publication activities (scientific reports, bulletins, books, magazines, and similar publications) to raise public awareness.

i) To carry out other activities deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

Areas of activity of the Centre

ARTICLE 6 – (1) The fields of activity of the Centre are as follows:

a) To carry out contemporary communication research, media studies, promotion, and advertisement activities.

b) To organise and support national and international organisations on traditional and local culture and arts, to carry out training and information activities, to organise in-service training programmes, courses, national or international scientific seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums, panels, exhibitions, fairs, and similar meetings, to organise competitions on painting, photography, poetry, song, composition, cartoon, script, poster, and similar activities and to award prizes.

c) To provide trainings for communication and public relations students to use communication techniques and strategies in practice.

d) To publish various publications to increase the quality of academic publishing, to organise conferences, panels, courses, seminars, congresses, and scientific meetings, and to participate in such activities in Türkiye and abroad.

e) To conduct research on the history and art of Konya and to organise meetings.

f) To promote the University and Konya in the national and international arena, to prepare short films and promotional films on the subject.

g) To contribute to scientists working on communication.

h) To establish and carry out collaborations with non-governmental organisations in the context of communication.

i) To provide consultancy and coordination in the research and activities to be carried out by the university and local administrations.

j) To organise other activities such as courses, seminars and meetings that will contribute to the purpose of the establishment of the Centre.

k) To provide consultancy services to other institutions, especially the University, on corporate communication and media.

l) To establish workshops and other facilities necessary for conducting research in the field of study, to ensure that the workshops and similar facilities available in various units of the University are widely and effectively utilised.

m) To carry out academician, administrative staff, and student exchanges in line with the Farabi and Erasmus programme in line with the educational activities carried out in the field of communication and to carry out studies to obtain the European Transfer System (ECTS) label in this direction.

n) To carry out other activities determined by the Rector or decided by the Board of Directors within the scope of the Centre´s field of study or to fulfil other duties assigned in accordance with the objectives of the Centre.



Governing Bodies and Duties of the Centre

Governing Bodies of the Centre

ARTICLE 7 – (1) The governing bodies of the Centre are as follows:

a) Director.

b) Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 8 – (1) The Director is appointed by the Rector from among the academic staff of the University for three years The Director whose term of office expires may be reappointed. 

(2) The Director is primarily responsible to the Rector for the regular execution of the activities in line with the objectives of the Centre and for the supervision and control of all activities of the Centre.

(3) The Director leaves one of his/her deputies as acting director in case of short-term absences. The acting director cannot last for more than six months. In case the deputyship last more than six months, the Director´s duty ends. In case the Director is dismissed or leaves office before the end of his/her term, a new Director is appointed.

Duties of the Director

ARTICLE 9 – (1) The duties of the Director are as follows:

a) To ensure that the activities of the Centre are carried out regularly and in accordance with its purpose.

b) To chair the Board of Directors.

c) To carry out the administrative affairs of the Centre.

d) To cooperate with domestic and foreign research centres, to produce projects in accordance with the objectives of the Centre and to provide assistance.

e) To ensure that the annual activity report of the Centre is submitted to the Rectorate.

f) To carry out the relations of the Centre with public and private institutions and organisations.

g) To represent the Centre.

h) To determine the job descriptions of the academic and administrative staff to be employed in the research units of the Centre, to prepare their needs together with their justifications and to submit them to the Rector with the approval of the Board of Directors.

i) To propose to the Rector the consultants and experts to be assigned to work on issues related to the objectives of the Centre.

Deputy directors and their duties

ARTICLE 10 – (1) To assist him/her in his/her work, the Rector appoints at least two people from among the academic staff of the University, upon the recommendation of the Director, as deputy directors for three years. The Rector may change the deputy directors when necessary. 

(2) The Director leaves one of his/her deputies in charge when he/she is absent.

(3) The Deputy Director carries out the activities of the Centre in cooperation with the Director and acts on behalf of the Director in his/her absence.

(4) Upon the termination of the Director´s duty, the duty of the Deputy Directors also ends.

Board of Directors and its duties

ARTICLE 11 – (1) The Board of Directors consists of seven members. The Director is also a member of the Board of Directors. The Rector appoints the Director and six people from among the faculty members or experts in their fields recommended by the Director. The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors is three years. A member who leaves before the end of his/her term of office is assigned outside the University for more than six months is replaced by the Rector in the same manner.

(2) Upon the call of the Director, the Board of Directors convenes once a month with the absolute majority of the total number of members, ordinarily and extraordinarily when necessary, and decisions are taken by the majority of votes. In case of a tie, the majority of the votes cast by the Director shall be deemed to have been achieved.

(3) The duties of the Board of Directors are as follows:

a) To determine the working organization in accordance with the purpose of the Centre. 

b) To produce research projects, to evaluate the project and publication proposals submitted by researchers, to provide domestic and foreign resources.

c) To determine the principles of researcher rights and copyrights related to the researches carried out by the Centre, and the distribution and use of income.

d) To prepare the year-end activity report.

e) To authorise the Director to organise in-service training programmes, courses, national or international scientific seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums, panels, exhibitions, fairs, and similar meetings.

f) To provide domestic and international scholarships in order to train staff in the research subjects of the Centre.

g) To establish central units on the subjects deemed necessary to carry out studies in line with the objectives of the Centre and to determine the job descriptions of the central units that will work under the Centre and the staff who will be responsible for them.

h) To determine the fees for courses and similar training activities and all kinds of products and services to be carried out at the Centre.

i) To determine the conditions for the issuance of certificates, certificates of achievement and similar documents to be given to participants in education, training, and practical activities.



Miscellaneous and Final Regulations

Personnel and space needs

ARTICLE 12 – (1) The academic, technical, and administrative personnel needs of the Centre are met by the personnel assigned by the Rector in accordance with Article 13 of Law No. 2547.

(2) The offices and other working spaces required for the Centre to carry out its activities are allocated by the Rector, taking into consideration the proposal of the Director, and the technical infrastructure and furnishings required to provide a convenient working environment are provided by the Rector.

Cases where there are no provisions in the Regulation

ARTICLE 13 – (1) In cases where there are no provisions in this Regulation, the provisions of other relevant legislation and the decisions of the Senate and the Board of Directors are applied.

Revoked Regulation

ARTICLE 14 – (1) NEU Press Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 30/01/2017 and numbered 29964 has been revoked.


ARTICLE 15 – (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication.


ARTICLE 16 – (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Rector of Necmettin Erbakan University.

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