Page 76 - Necmettin Erbakan University Press
P. 76



                                                 Editor        :  Bilsev INCE
                                                 Page          :  116

                                                 Measurement :  16X24 cm
                                                 Year          :  2019
                                                 Category      :  Health
                                                 ISBN          :  978-605-4988-49-5
                                                 E-ISBN        :  978-605-70782-0-9
                                                 DOI           :  10.51144/neupress.2023.103

          In the book called Basic Microsurgical Practices, there are explanations of advanced microsurgical techniques such as the
          use of microscope, the maintenance and use of surgical instruments, artery, vein and nerve repairs, as well as repair with
          vein graft, end-to-side anatomosis, which are the basis for microsurgical practices. As explaining the basic microsurgical
          techniques step by step, different techniques used in microsurgical practices, which are thought to be beneficial to
          colleagues who are new to microsurgery, are also tried to be shown. Needless to say, microsurgery is not as brief and
          simple as this writing, but we think that this book might be useful to those who are interestend in learning the basis.

                               Necmettın Erbakan Unıversıty Press
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