Page 85 - Necmettin Erbakan University Press
P. 85


              SOCIAL          ATATÜRK TO KONYA

                                                 Editor        :  Seyit KÜCÜKBEZIRCI
                                                 Page          :  81

                                                 Measurement :  13,5X19,5 cm
                                                 Year          :  2016
                                                 Category      :  Social
                                                 ISBN          :  978-605-4988-03-7
                                                 E-ISBN        :  978-625-7517-33-1
                                                 DOI           :  10.51144/neupress.2023.123

          ''The Affinity of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to Konya" is an important book for understanding the relationship and the ties of
          affection between the leader of the war of independence and the people of Konya in their period. Another point for
          understanding the value of the book is that itself was written by a well-known local journalist known for his interest in
          Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Considering the guiding role of history in the society, there is a need for history in sense of
          memory in order to refresh the information about the past, to embrace values defining us like homeland and the state,
          and to be a reminder that refreshes their values in our minds. The late Seyit Kücükbezirci did add another work to his
          carreer before passing away.

                               Necmettın Erbakan Unıversıty Press
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