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                                                     LESSON BOOK
                                                 Editor        :  Ismail Hakkİ SEZER
                                                 Page          :  230

                                                 Measurement :  16X24 cm
                                                 Year          :  2020
                                                 Category      :  Theology-Philology
                                                 ISBN          :  978-605-4988-66-2
                                                 DOI           :  10.51144/neupress.2023.143


          The book titled Conjugation is about Arabic grammar. Arabic linguists deals with Arabic grammar in two parts, the
          science of Sarf and the science of Nahv. The science of Nahv is synonymous with the term syntax in the narrow sense of
          the word and means sentence knowledge. Sarf, on the onther hand, is the name of the field of science that talks about
          the different forms the word takes in order to obtain a desired meaning. In Arabic, the word is generally analysed in
          three main parts as noun-verb-letter. However, Sarf deals with the verb and noun and deals with the changes in their

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